I've been thinking that maybe I need to reassess my reasons for even having a blog. I mean, I sometimes have an inspiration for a post, but often I just don't have much to say. Thus, the long periods of dormancy. And then I do stupid things like create new blogs. I can't help myself. I'm spread so thin on the internet that I don't know where the lines of social media are anymore.
Part of my problem is that while I initially intended this blog to be a sort of mercurial catch-all, it ended up being mostly just short hack essays. I would have an idea for a short post, and I wouldn't post it, because a blog didn't seem the appropriate forum. Or I'd find a video I wanted to share. And then I'd think, "I don't want to create a new blog post just for a video." So I wouldn't post. Instead, those things would find their way to facebook. But I really don't like facebook for those things.
Facebook is nice for connecting with people from time to time. But if you want individual attention, you're subject to the whimsy of the hive-mind of your friend list. There are times when you can say that you're feeling so depressed and sad, and nobody even comments. Other times, you might post that you stubbed your toe, and you have 35 sympathetic responses within an hour. It's easy to have your comments get buried in the ever-flowing stream.
So, from now on, I'm going to be a lot more open to posting shorter thoughts on this blog. After all, it's my blog. It can have whatever rules I want, and I can change those rules at any time. So, expect to see more of my random thoughts here. Now, if I can just expand my readership beyond four people...
So, now a few other notes:
- The other blog I linked up a few paragraphs (Downvote This) is basically an extension of my browsing on Reddit. Frequently, things you post to Reddit are lost to oblivion before anybody has a chance to see them. So, this is my second chance blog. Honestly, I am struck with ideas for posts so rarely that it really probably didn't warrant a blog. But it's what I do, so live with it. As I've said on the intro there, I will probably post links to other peoples' failed submissions as well. I haven't yet though, because I'm lazy. In due time...maybe
- Joining my secondary blog may be a tertiary blog, the name of which I have not yet chosen. To be honest, I'm still debating within myself whether I should do this as a separate blog. Basically, the idea is this (I know, I know, it's far from original, but I'm doing it): On January 1st, 2012, I will be shaving off my facial hair, and the hair on my head. I will then take one picture each day chronicling my path to the vaunted yeard. One year of unfettered beard growth.
Actually, I say that it will be unfettered. That's not quite true. I will probably trim my moustache a bit to keep it from curling up into my nostrils or down into my mouth. And the hair on my head will be cut down whenever I feel necessary. But the beard growth will be an unruly, untamed beast. I hope.
So, the jury is still out as to whether I'll post these daily pics on this blog, or if I should dedicate a new blog specifically for this purpose. I'll figure all that out soon enough. - I don't know why I felt the need to use bullet points here. I only actually had two things to write about. So, this last one is just filler. Smoooooth.
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