Saturday, March 21, 2009

List of things I don't care about

1. The economy. I know I probably should care about it, but I don't. I guess I just don't have the level of understanding that other people have. Or maybe it's because I was poor, living paycheck to paycheck before the economic crisis. And I don't have a car, so I really can't even complain about fluctuating gas prices (which seem to have calmed a bit anyway).

2. Politics. I have such a hard time even getting two sentences into any news report about politics. It's just so boring. While the last presidential race was stirring up emotions everywhere, I found myself, as ever, coolly indifferent. And when Obama's win galvanized the nation, I just can't muster that kind of enthusiasm.

3. Your opinion. This is specifically in reaction to your opinion of point number two. My opinion about politics is just that: MY opinion. You don't have to like it. You don't have to agree with me. You don't even have to be quiet about it. Comment on it, tell me what you think. But don't be put off by my indifference. Of course, point three isn't solely regarding politics. I think it's important to just be okay with being yourself. Nothing more, nothing less. So, if you don't like that I shave my head or have tattooes, if you think the music I listen to is crap, or if there's anything I love that you hate, you're entitled to your opinion. And I'm entitled to ignore it.

4. The popular news of the day. Whether it's the mom that offs her daughter so she can party unhindered, or the ridiculous caricature of a woman who spawns more children in a day than most families have in a lifetime, I just don't want to hear about it. I hate these news fads. And I hate when people watch them, plastered all over the news, and give opinions or sage observances as if it's even remotely important or necessary. Seriously. Enough. Nancy Grace has enough money, so stop lining her pockets with your ratings.

5. Facebook/MySpace applications. These are the bane of my existence. I can't log on without being overwhelmed with requests to take a quiz, join a mafia, send a fluffy angel bunny egg, and so on, ad nauseam. It's one of the major reasons why I'm spending less and less time on those sites. I just don't care about these things.

OK, I'm done being a curmudgeon now.

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